Working in the NHS can be very rewarding. Many of the practitioners we have worked with are health professionals who retrained in a complementary therapy as they understood the benfefit these therapies could bring to their patients. We have worked with midwives, OTs, opticians, podiatrists and many nurses.
At the moment we do not have any vacancies for practitioners. We are currently having a rethink about our work and are very excited that the Prince's Foundation for Integrated Health is relaunching in a very integrated way. They are drawing up plans to become the central information resource for all things to do with integrated healthcare, so do make sure you have signed up to their newsletter at
The Integrated Health Trust is a new charity which is bringing together all kinds of people interested in integrated healthcare, so you can sign up/join them as well
They are working hard to ensure that the potential rolefor integrated health in responding to the economic/health/ecological crises we face is well articulated.
If you want to start an integrated health service in your area, a great place to start is by reading Shining Lights which outlining the highs and lows, the obstacle, the practicalities and more from the winners of the integrated health awards.